
Atlanta, GA 30336

Clinic Hours:

7:00am – 7:00pm (Mon-Sat) 

Information Number


HealthSpan Optimization - Medicine 3.0

We'd love to share with you our HealthSpan Optimization - Medicine 3.0 model

Our hybrid concierge medicine program aims to identify, measure, monitor, and control health and age-related risks. We work hard to extend the health span of our community members. Ask us how.


Concierge Medicine

HealthTouch designs its hybrid concierge medicine program to extend the health span of our community members and subscribers. Extending the community members’ health span means they can live longer and better. We offer ways to monitor their vital health statistics, measure blood results more often, be proactive with the early onset of disease, eat less often and better, and educate themselves on a healthy lifestyle. And this is accomplished both online and in person.

Concierge medicine is a subscription-based healthcare model that gives community members broad access to their healthcare provider. As a result, based on the demographics of the community where we place a Care Center, we will offer this program if we determine it is needed.

Below are some of the attributes concierge medicine has for the communities in which we locate this Service:

  • Guaranteed Same Day Appointments
  • 24-Hour Access to Your Physician
  •  Expedited Imaging and Labs
  • Vital Statistics Monitoring #
  • Functional Medicine Analysis
  • Bi-annual Blood Screening
  • Speedy Specialists Appointments
  • Preventive Care/Weight Management
  • Mobile/Video Consultations
  • Sale of State-Of-The-Art Wearables

#  Also known as remote patient monitoring

Above all, our concierge medicine program fills another healthcare access gap.  This is accomplished by offering subscription-based, 24/7 access to healthcare providers.


Remote Patient Monitoring

HealthSpan Optimization
HealthSpan Optimization is our health care model in which a patient pays a monthly, bi-annual or annual fee to be trained to live longer and better.  So, based on the demographics of the community in which we locate a CARE CENTER, HealthTouch combines its urgent care centers with our concierge medicine program.
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Remote Patient Monitoring
Our remote patient monitoring (RPM) uses digital technologies to collect medical and other health data from community members. Our systems receive data from one location and electronically transmit that information securely to HealthTouch for assessment and recommendations.
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Please find out more about our remote monitoring program.  At its simplest, we use current technology to track essential health indicators.  For example, it can be as simple as using an Apple watch to monitor trends in heart rates, blood oxygen, ECG, sleep habits, and other metrics.  Secondly, it could be as complex as monitoring diabetes or a host of other maladies through consistent blood screenings.

Functional Medicine

HealthTouch‘s functional medicine program is a significant component of our hybrid concierge medicine program. Functional medicine is a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Urgent care often treats your symptoms and sends you on your way.

We prescribe extending healthspan protocols, which delay the onset of age-related diseases. By reducing the biological age of community members, we can slow conditions allowing them to live longer, healthier lives.


We've Fixed the blood test Process

Bi-Annually, we draw your blood before you discuss the results with our medical care provider. This way, we provide the results and the information the community members need to better understand their healthspan.

We urge our community members to invest in their bodies and healthspan as they invest in their homes, stocks, and crypto-currencies. But, unfortunately, most of us do not.

Derek P. Pollard